A Tribe Called Community

Walking Each Other Home (Stage 4) – 40×40/oil on board – in this and previous blogs, we are featuring the progress on this painting – a first in a new series Dorsey is beginning inspired by the Ram Dass quote “We’re all just walking each other home”. 
A friend recently said:  “You are as tough as nails!  Every morning when you wake up, be happy!  It’s a day closer to coming back home.”
All our moments are precious.  We can either thankfully flow through them, draw from them every ounce of joy…or go to sleep and miss the whole panorama.  How sad, when this happens!!
While we are working at getting it all together, let’s encourage where we can.  Let’s live as if we are truly part of a community…a tribe.  It is time we give ourselves to building a new way to live.  Let us become a community of people who have dropped their ego-driven goals.  Let’s be people who actually do love, care for others and listen well.