Conversations with Dorsey

The Sheep in My Stories

Dorsey tells how sheep have been storied in her life and why she includes them in her compositions.

Looking For True

Dorsey talks about her journey and search for True.

Artful Thoughts

Dorsey talks about art on the easel and in her life…

My Work is a Story

My life is a story…I live in a composition of all our stories. My job is to learn to rejoice!

Art is My Home

Dorsey shares her thoughts on how art defined Home for her. And the longing we all have for Home. It’s part of the narrative in her art and the stories her pieces tell.

Dorsey Chats with Gene Miller

I had a lovely conversation with friend and fellow creative, Gene Miller. We are living art…constantly creating and painting the landscape in our lives. This was a fun conversati

The Mystery of Art

Artist Dorsey McHugh speaking to the mystery of art – how it does what it wants to do – and how she has learned to set it free!