Someone is Home

Someone is Home

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SOMEONE IS HOME (8×8/oil on canvas)

Now that I have met you True, where else would I go?  You are my home, my muse, my song.  You live in the secret place my heart holds.  I long for you and feel completed by you at the same moment.  My images are now reflections of you as well as the few others who have taken up residence in my heart. Every little landscape is a declaration of Love…Love that is large enough to hold all the stars. Love that is strong enough to hold all that is painful at a distance. This Love belongs to us.  It is alive, a light in the window to show us that we have a Home.  This is the prize we fix our eyes upon.  This is why we run the race with Patience.  We know that True waits for us there in that place.  And so we walk, we run – onward and upward.  This is, without a doubt our highest calling.  It is also our greatest gift.