My Favorite Things- Day 16

v-32  True home...8x8

True Home

8×8 – oil on canvas


These little yellow houses with red roofs have been inside me for a long time… of course they represent “home”.  They are, in my inside landscape, magical. Though they are tiny on the outside, when you walk in the door, they are large. They have secret passages to wings that you can’t see from the outside. They have wonderful kitchen nooks to sit in and look out the windows and have lovely conversations.  They are places to live in, to love in, to laugh and be safe.  These little houses are mostly about relationships, about the adventure of real love.  This outside world is not a safe place.  Really bad things happen here.  But Love is real.  It can not die or be destroyed.  It is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  My own art, is about “story”, about my stories, and also about yours. There are glimpses of Love in these little landscapes, either the longing for Love or the awareness of its existence. It is, after all, our highest calling.  


My Favorite Things – Day 16

Happy Holidays from Dorsey McHugh Fine Art!  Dorsey is offering a series of paintings, ‘My Favorite Things’ – 8×8 oil on wrapped canvas – for a special price this season. Each painting is $300, plus $20 for shipping & handling if not locally purchased. Each day through Christmas Eve, we will post the image of one painting on her blog – If you would like to purchase one of the 12 paintings, you can contact us at or by phone/text to Susan at615-293-3623. Peace and Joy to you…

Dorsey McHugh Fine Art