SOLITUDE (8×8/oil on canvas)
None of us wants to be alone all the time. We need connection. There is no connection without vulnerability. I am learning some of this for the first time. When I was small, I spent a great deal of time alone. My life as a child was not necessarily happy. But, it was rich. Because I spent so much time in my own company, my imagination was highly developed. Story became my companion. There were few restrictions on where I roamed about our tiny farm. As I wandered, saying hello to the chickens and checking out my favorite places, I sang at the top of my lungs. Sometimes my music was so poignant it made me cry. Literally. When I ask people if they sing when they are alone, they often tell me they do. Hardly anyone ever remembers crying as they sing. So now you know this about me. Does it add to the picture my words have painted? This is a part of who I am. We are all, when removing one layer after another, made up of stories. What are your stories? Maybe it’s time for you to share them.
Happy Holidays from Dorsey McHugh Fine Art! For the 2nd year, Dorsey is offering a series of paintings, 8×8, oil on canvas – for a special price this season, $300. The paintings will also be posted on her blog – If you would like to purchase one of the paintings, you can contact us at or by phone/text to Susan at 615-293-3623.
Frame can be added for $50. Shipping and handling is $25, if not locally purchased.
Also, Dorsey’s first book – Step Into the Story – a lovely, colorful collection of paintings and writings, can be ordered and ready to deliver December 6th. (Softbound, 8″x8″, 48pg., $24.95) To pre-order via PayPal:
• Go to and enter as the recipient. The price is $24.95 per book and $5 for shipping, unless you will pick up in Nashville.
• On the final payment page, in the message box, please include your name and address for shipping, if not picking up locally.
• If you prefer to pick up in Nashville, we will coordinate a time with you.
Peace and Joy to you…