Report on Innovat8e Conference

Where I want to be - a new blog post by Dorsey McHugh


This is an image we used at a recent innovat8e conference in Franklin.  There were 30+ participants, mostly professionals:  Our exercise was to look at the painting for a few moments and write our impressions as if having fallen into the adventure of its imagery.  Here are a few of the stories:


Scott Stearman, Sculptor , Green Mountain Falls, Colorado:

“On the edge…stopped…I look at the distance and wonder…a place I’ve never been…it holds adventure or treasure or wonder…I think. 

How do I get from here to there?” 


Clark Gaither wrote:

 I know this place.  It’s familiar to us.  I want us to be on one of those boats.  I want to fly over the horizon with you, to see what is there…

“The question is: 

Is it the two children talking or the two birds?  Or both? “


Sherry wrote:  “Ethel and Mildred:  (the birds)

M.  Aren’t these 2 youngsters precious?

E.   Yes, I love how they bring us snacks when they come.

M.  What I’d love to learn is how to fly.  Look up there and see that Eunice.  She’s flying all over the place and feeling the wind in her hair, while I pluck at the ground for a snack.”